PET-G Gloop! 120ml (4oz)

PET-G Gloop! 120ml (4oz)


What is PET Gloop! Well, first off this product should not to be confused with the popular desk friend otherwise known as pet rock. PET Gloop! (pronounced “PEE EEE TEE” Gloop!) is our specially formulated science sauce for PETG, and Co-Polyester based 3D printing filaments!

PET has been the most requested variant of Gloop. Seriously, our inbox was constantly full of messages from eager customers wanting to get their hands on some PET Gloop! Well, you can stop messaging us now! WOO!

PET Gloop! is designed to provide the strongest bond between two 3D-printed PETG parts, period. Stronger than CA Glue, stronger, than epoxy, heck stronger than PETG itself! Simply apply some of that awesome science sauce on each mating surface and smash em’ together! In about an hour*, you’ll have one heck of a time trying to get them apart. So just make sure you really want to glue those parts together! 😉

On the subject of smaller bottles, our Scientists want to recommend that in many cases, less is actually more! Your 3D Gloop! HAS A SHELF LIFE. So, while the bonds of Gloop! may last forever, its very existence in this realm is only temporary at best. Typically that is around 3 months once opened but it varies largely depending on how often you are using it, storage conditions, and the zero-point energy fractionations for your region of space-time. IF for whatever reason you experience issues with the shelf life or longevity of your Gloop! PLEASE reach out to the Overlords as they are always here to help!

PET Gloop! can also be used as a bed adhesive (although the scientist will admit there are better options on the market) for Glass, Metal, or Tape build platforms. Apply PET Gloop! to a hot build platform just before you hit print (follow proper safety precautions). Our specially formulated Gloop! will grip onto that freshly extruded PETG keeping everything firmly stuck to your build platform. Once your print is done, just let the build platform cool down and pop off your print! You may be able to get a few prints per application of PET Gloop! For best results, we do recommend cleaning and reapplying your PET Gloop! every print.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES apply PET Gloop! to PEI or other Plastic build platforms. IT WILL RUIN EVERYTHING. Sorry for the shouting but PET Gloop! is very sticky and strong and we really don’t want you to mess up your printer!

FULL DISCLOSURE: Some PET, PETG, and Co-Polyesters don’t work with well with Gloop!. This is because all of the crazy complex methods PET and modified PET (co-polymers) are synthesized. Most should work just fine, but some may not. Our team is working on compiling a list of all the best-performing filament manufacturers and we will constantly be updating this page!

A few notes about working with PET Gloop!.

  • It’s incredibly sticky. Like sometimes, it likes to glue the cap shut to the bottle if you get it between the seal and the mating lip of the bottle so just try and keep things clean.

  • SHAKE WELL! PET Gloop! is an advanced polymer and solvent blend. These shouldn’t separate but it’s a good idea to mix things up if it has been sitting for a while. After shaking, let your PET Gloop! rest for about a minute before opening. This helps keep that seal clean!

  • Use lots of Gloop! This will help ensure a strong bond. Any ooze out should be cleaned with a razor blade after it cures!

  • Clamps are your friend. Gloop! is strong, but ensuring the mating surfaces are pressed as close as possible and mated together will make the bond stronger.

  • *Cure times vary, when in doubt, give it lots of time to cure. Unlike our PLA Gloop! PET Gloop! can take an hour or more to cure. This means the bond can fall or be pulled apart more easily until the Gloop! fully cures. So be careful!!!

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